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Hello world! I am a young computer engineer passionate about technology, striving to understand how things work and to use technology to solve problems. After my graduation from 3IL, I am Presently following a specialised masters program in Big Data : advanced analytics for decision taking at Université de Technology de Troyes. I have a solid background in software development and network solutions. I am passionate about data science, analytics and machine learning. I am literally excited about the process of making data speak and reveal its secrets...

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” — Albert Einstein

I see computer engineering primarily as a means. A means of expressing my imagination through the various tools available. This is the main reason i specialised in software development.

In a nutshell, i believe software development is far more than syntax,data and coding. Instead, it is a way to make peaple lives easier and better through the applications we develop.




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